Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Welcome Stevie Raine!

We thought it may be a nice idea to introduce the actors to you one-by-one. So here we start with the newest member of our cast 'Charlie':

WHO - who are you?
I'm Stevie Raine, a 33 year old actor from County Durham.  I started out in life as a Water Sports Instructor on residential holidays taking people windsurfing, sailing, kayaking and canoeing during the day then by night organising talent shows, beach olympic's and various other entertaining and ridiculous stuff for them. After years of all the children telling me I should be on stage or on the tellybox, I finally gave in did a bit of research and got into acting school and here I am today wishing I'd ignored them!

WHAT - what would you be doing if you weren't acting?
If I wasn't acting I'd probably be a professional stripper, starting out as a strong singer and a violinist at school with an uncanny talent for drawing cartoons and sketching I'd have hoped I'd be able to say something else. I've found though being an attention seeker, a show off, and an entertainer and knowing I'd be getting quite a lot of money for taking my clothes off this would definitely be my alternative vocation. Sorry Ma!

WHERE - where would be your perfect place to perform?
It's hard to pick a theatre or  renowned outdoor performance space as there are so many that I'd love to perform on.  While studying in Leeds though, I walked past the West Yorkshire Playhouse everyday for 3 years and always wondered what it would be like to perform there. Also all my family and friends would be able to come and watch as London is too far for them alot of the time

WHY - why do you think this play will be a success?
It's covering a subject which educated me when I read it, and made me say "Behave, as if a silly law like this actually exists these days" and sure enough it does and it's pretty ridiculous. I think this play highlights all of these ridiculous points beautifully, so whether people already know about or not it will either educate them or cement their already strong views.

HOW - how do you think people will react?
They'll either say "Bloody hell, I didn't know that, that's a shit law. I'm going to have myself a read up on that" or say "I knew about this before, agreed it was stupid, and I'm happy someone is shedding light on it artistically".